Poker Card Rankings – Basis for Determining the Winner

How to Poker Card Rankings? What is the role of the ranking in the Poker card game? This is the information that players need to pay attention to every time they participate in this card game genre. And for you to understand better, through the article below, PHJL will decode in detail the 10 rankings in order from high to low of Poker.

What is the role of Poker card ranking?

What is the role of Poker card ranking?

When participating in Poker Card Rankings betting, the goal of the players is to make an attractive bet and then beat the opponent to receive the bonus. However, to win, you need to have the strongest hand, defeating all other opponents.

When players have a clear understanding of Poker card rankings, they will know whether they have a strong hand or not? From there, they will know what actions they need to take when participating in Poker and have their own betting strategies to be able to win.

Ranking of Poker Card Rankings Hands

In the Poker card game, there are currently a total of 10 different card rankings. Below is the specific information and ranked from high to low:

The strongest Poker hand ranking – Straight Flush

The strongest Poker hand ranking - Straight Flush

A Straight Flush is known as the highest card ranking in Poker with a set of 5 cards in the sequence of 10, J, Q, K, A and of the same suit. This is the best hand and has an extremely low appearance rate. Therefore, this is the dream of all bettors participating in the Poker card game.

Same suit flush

The game straight is known to everyone by another name, Straight Flush. The player has 5 consecutive cards of the same suit that are not straight flushes. At that time, if 2 people have the same suit, the one holding the highest card will win.

Four of a kind

Four of a kind is one of the strongest Poker hand rankings today. Accordingly, any player who owns 4 cards of the same value combined with 1 odd card is called a four of a kind. For example, a four of a kind 7 includes 7 clubs, 7 spades, 7 hearts and 7 diamonds combined with any odd card. In which, the four of a kind A is the highest, then the rank will be gradually reduced to 2.

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Full house in Poker

Full house is known as Full house and includes 3 cards of the same value combined with any pair. In the case of 2 people having a full house, the one with the higher three of a kind wins. If both have three of a kind of the same value, the higher pair wins.

Flush – Flush

Flush in Poker ranking is in the 5th position, including cards of the same suit. In the case of many people having Flush, the one holding the highest card wins. If all have the same highest card, the other cards in hand will be considered.


When you have 5 consecutive cards that are not of the same suit, it is called a straight. For example, if you have 5 diamonds, 6 hearts, 7 spades, 8 spades and 9 clubs, it is called a Straight. In the case of multiple bettors having a straight, the one holding the highest card wins.

The strongest Poker hand ranking - Straight Flush

Three of a kind

Three of a kind is a combination of 3 cards of the same value and 2 separate cards. In Poker ranking, the value of this set is quite low, only ranking 7th. In the case of multiple players having a three of a kind, the player with the higher three of a kind wins, if the same three of a kind, the player with the higher single card wins.

A pair

A one pair is simply understood as the player having 2 cards of the same value and the other cards are single and cannot be combined. For example, 4 of diamonds, 4 of clubs is a pair combined with other cards such as 3 of diamonds, 7 of clubs, J of diamonds. This is a fairly low Poker ranking, so if you have this card in your hand, it is very easy to lose.

In the case of many people having a pair, the person with the higher pair value wins. If there are 2 teams with the same value, we consider the odd card to see who has the higher card value, which will become the person with the stronger hand.

High card

In the poker ranking, this is the lowest hand that no one wants to have. Accordingly, all the cards that the player has cannot be combined into a pair, a triple or any other hand mentioned above. In the case of everyone having a high card, consider who has the highest card in hand to win.


Poker Card Rankings is one of the extremely important sections for all players. Please read the above information of the PHJL card game carefully to be able to apply appropriate betting strategies.

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